Introducing 13th & Louis

Hello friends!

It is springtime in Eugene and we couldn’t be happier! The changing seasons bring a sense of renewal and it certainly helps re-ignite our creativity. With tulips and cherry blossoms come ballads and love songs.

But, the purpose of this note isn’t to talk about the weather…we have an announcement! You may already know this, but The Vineyard Collective started as 4 singer/songwriters who all played separately at an open-mic on Monday nights. One day we decided to join forces and began playing together as a band, learning each other’s songs and helping to weave all our fingerprints all over each other’s music.

Since then, two bandmates moved away. We added Christian as a new violinist, and then he moved away. The Vineyard Collective still exists and we are actually working on recording an album that features all 5 members of the band, but playing out together has become a rare occurrence.

Kristin and Luke still live in Eugene and continue to write songs and play out together, but since playing as a duo has a completely different vibe, they have decided to rebrand the duo as “13th and Louis.” Where did that name come from? Luke lives on 13th and Kristin lives on Louis. And, by the way, we are going with the French pronunciation of Louis, which is “Louie.” Why not just spell it phonetically? Well, we are artists. We have to be a little eccentric.

So, to keep up to date on Luke and Kristin’s shows as “13th and Louis,” you can follow them on Facbook and Instagram. We will also keep you updated through our website.

Upcoming Shows:

Thursday, April 4th @ 7:00pm - Kristin is playing a solo set at 255 Madison (a wine bar at 255 Madison, Eugene, OR)

Saturday, April 13th @ 1:00pm - “13th & Louis” is playing at Eugene Saturday Market

Thursday, May 23rd @ 7:00pm - “13th & Louis” is playing in a songwriter showcase at Artichoke Music in Portland, OR

We will have more shows popping up throughout the summer, so follow us on social media for the most up to date info!



Summer ‘23 Live Music