Demo Coming Soon!

First off, welcome to our brand new website!

We are coming up for air after a 3 month pause on playing out together as a band due to COVID-19. We spent 2 months completely quarantined from each other (with the exception of Luke and Israel who live together). As we entered Phase 1 in Oregon, we started rehearsing again…first on the back patio maintaining 6 foot distancing. Now that we are in Phase 2, we have allowed ourselves to collectively be indoors (yay, a band pun) and we decided to get to work on a demo that we’ve been talking about for months. We recorded it in Israel’s bedroom one at a time…since his bedroom is small and since he only has 1 microphone. We took turns recording our individual parts and he pieced it all together. Now he is working on the mix and, so far, it is sounding great!

The demo consists of 4 songs…one song by each band member. This small sampling of our music shows our diversity in style, composition, and content. We can’t wait to share it with you! It should be ready soon!

We miss playing live shows! We will keep you posted if we plan any COVID-friendly shows. In the meantime, we will be playing on Facebook Live for the Oregon Country Fair Virtual Village on July 11th. We’ll post more info soon.

Stay safe and keep washing your hands!


Demo is Ready!