Demo is Ready!

It’s done and it’s ready for your listening ears. Our demo, “Mill Street Sessions,” features 4 songs, one original from each band member. Check out our music page to hear all the songs. They have also been uploaded to SoundCloud here. How can you get your own copy of any of our demos? Thanks for asking! You can download your own FREE copy of our demo here at NoiseTrade. Any tips you leave there will go toward our future full length album that we hope to start working on in 2021.

We are excited for you to hear recorded versions of this sampling of songs. It starts with Kristin Bond’s “Favorite Season”, a love song that celebrates the changing seasons in life and relationships. Then we have Israel Bloodgood’s nostalgic song, "Little Surprise,” a revel for the ages of our lives. After love and nostalgia, you’ll be taken on a journey of a relationship in turmoil with Cory Briar’s song “Pull Out.” We categorize this song as “mando pop” because of the leading mandolin and hooky chorus. And finally, our demo ends with our most instrumental piece to date, Luke Lillard’s “Rattle Them Down”. This song was written as a testament to how music unites us and heals us. Luke’s New Orleans roots shine in this song both lyrically and musically.

We hope you enjoy this small demo of our music!

Stay safe!


A V-Day Update


Demo Coming Soon!