Life Updates and Upcoming Show

Hello, friends!

Oh, life! It just keeps going and always has something up its sleeve. There have been a lot of changes since our last update. Luke and I (Kristin) are still in Eugene and enjoying playing around our section of Oregon. However, we have been abandoned by our other bandmates who have moved on to bigger and better things. Cory is putting his hard-earned PhD to good use in Olympia, WA - trying to help solve all their economic troubles (good luck?). And Israel has moved on from Boston to a city on the other side of the Atlantic where he was accepted into a prestigious theater school (AKA theatre) in Bristol, England.

So, Luke and I are holding down the fort in Eugene, continuing to write songs, record, and play out. We have also added a new member to the band - Christian Li. He is a grad student at the University of Oregon (Go Ducks!) and an exceptional violinist.

On January 29th, 2023, we have a show at Studio 7 at Applegate Regional Theatre, just outside of Eugene, OR. Check out the Facebook Event here or find the details here at Bandsintown. This will be a cozy, intimate show with lots of songs and stories in a lovely art gallery. We would love to see you there!

That’s all the updates for now! We hope 2023 is starting off well for you!



Summer ‘23 Live Music


Onyx Street EP