A V-Day Update

Hey friends,

We’re still here! Today is Valentine’s Day and it’s so weird to think that last year on this very day we were performing at a live show…in front of live people! It feels like another life. We are crossing our fingers and hoping we’ll be able to do some live performances this spring and summer in COVID-friendly venues. If you haven’t yet, be sure to sign up for our mailing list (click on “contact” above) to stay up to date with upcoming live shows. We are also planning to start recording another demo very soon, so we’ll keep you posted about that, as well.

We hope that wherever you are, you are feeling loved, seen, and heard on this Valentine’s Day. We write a lot of love songs, but not all of them are for significant others. We also write love songs for good friends and people who have shaped us along the way. We think it’s important to recognize all the relationships in our lives not just today, but everyday.

We’re sending out much love to you all!


Onyx Street EP


Demo is Ready!